Saturday 12 January 2008

Dinner Pronto

I have been working and coming home late these days, my role has changed, workload increased double fold and I am working an average of 10 to 10.5 hours a day. I leave home before B does, and come back after him even though my office is just 15 minutes away. Yes, the bus ride plus walking is only about 15-20 minutes from where I live, compared to B whose office is in North Sydney and the commuting takes at least half an hour.

To make up for the lost time in cooking, I have to resort in making simple and presto meals on weekdays. B is now an expert in rice cooking, he washes and cuts the vege for me so I don't have to spend so much time preparing the dishes.

Here are some of the quick-to-make dishes we had for dinner of late.

Stir-fried spinach with minced garlic

Thin rice vermicelli in tomato and carrot soup (Left over ABC soup from the previous day's dinner)

Stir-fried bitter gourd with egg

Baked beans with pork slices and Lebanese cucumber

Noodle soup brewed with dried anchovies

Green bean omelette

Baked salmon fillets with a sprikle of sea salt

Vegetable soup (Mani choy)

Onion omelette

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