Saturday 10 January 2009

Snow Fungus and Beancurd Skin Dessert 雪耳龙眼腐竹糖水

This nourishing dessert helps to satisfy my sweet tooth and the sugary cravings that seem to heighten during pregnancy. Snow fungus, also known as the vegetarian bird nest, has anti-inflammatory properties, improves blood circulation and boosts the body immune system. It is also regarded as beneficial for the complexion during pregnancy.

Check out my previous posts on snow fungus desserts:-
Snow fungus dessert 冰糖银耳红枣汤
Luo Han Guo and Snow fungus Dessert 罗汉果银耳龙眼红枣汤

1 large piece snow fungus, soaked
Half bowl dried longan
1 small sheet dried beancurd skin
Rock sugar to taste
1.5l water

Soak snow fungus in water for at least 30 minutes till soft. Change the water several times. Trim and discard the hard yellow ends, tear snow fungus into smaller pieces.

Break the bean curd skin into tiny pieces when it is dry and crispy. Rinse them before adding to the soup. Rinse dried longans.

Bring 1.5 litre water to boil and cook snow fungus covered, over low heat for about 30 minutes. Add the beancurd skin, longan and rock sugar to taste. Cook for additional 20 minutes.

Serve either hot or chilled.

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